KDE Direct News Releases — tech news
Everything You Need to Know About KDE Direct Folding Propellers
You know what motors you’re using for your latest drone project. You’ve picked out your weather-proof ESCs. But which propellers will be holding up your rig? We’ve broken down everything you need to know about KDE Direct’s propeller blades so you can get right to flying. Folding Propellers Over Fixed Propellers Our idea for propeller blades over fixed propellers came out of the helicopter technology that was the predecessor to KDE Direct before the rise of drones in our industry. The performance benefit of folding propellers is the lead-lag operation of propellers (the same as on a helicopter), that...
The Pacific Drone Challenge | Can a Drone Fly Across the Pacific?
- Tags: drone, drone challenge, pacific drone challege, tech news, uav
OSU and KDE Direct Discover a New Way to Power Drones
- Tags: drone flight time, drones, osu, power drones, tech news
What is an ESC and a UBEC? | Know The Basics
Let’s get geeky. In this article, we explain the differences between a UBEC and an ESC and the importance of both for your next custom drone or technical project.