KDE Direct Device Manager Software for UAS Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) Series

Note: For the latest Instruction Manual and Software Updates, click the "Specifications" tab above for more technical details and download links.

The new KDE Direct Device Manager Software provides the ability to update all KDE Direct UAS Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC) to the latest production firmware releases, and customize advanced options for multiple applications.  A wide-range of new control-algorithm technologies can be programmed, such as the brushless motor startup power, drive frequency, synchronous rectification, temperature-controlled regenerative-braking, voltage cutoffs, and other market-leading features.

Updating the firmware on the ESC will revert the ESC back to default settings.  The user is responsible for programming their ESC to the optimal settings.  KDE Direct ESCs work best with KDE Direct UAS Multi-Rotor Brushless Motors.  Advanced programming options are available for alternate systems, such as fixed-wing, single-rotor, and custom flight applications.

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